
Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Getting Addicted!!

Humm spent most of lunch today changing the appearance of the blog site!!!!

I have tried to rationalise my new addiction to "research for work" as after having alot of fun myself over the past 45 minutes I have decided it would be a great way to show students progress overtime, that ticks the new OFSTED criteria box, get in there! Reaslly I just think this blogging thing will turn into a mild obsession!

As you can now tell the appearance has changed with a picutre of me sailing the Farr on a reasonably windy day during my club week last year. I have studies these picutres a number of times and have decided that the picutre must have been taken during a transition movement backwards as I can't believe I would sail with a stance that wide!

Anyway T minus 26 hours and counting till Ben and I do battle with the M25! I just hope everyone decides not to use it tomorrow.   
Ok This is what I am trying to justify to myself. I was moving forward to correct poor trim! Unfortunatly i think it might be the case of poor wide stance and poor trim!
Just goes to show
"too much coaching leads to poor performance!"
Damm those cadets!!! (Guys only joking).

1 comment:

  1. No Ewan, you sail standing like a hooker! I watched you on the test sail day at BSC ;-). But at least you didn't sail like Jacques Cousteau like I did.
